Saturday, December 6, 2014

Yo Ho Rest

Hello, all/U,

Today is today, the Sabbath day. A balm for the weary, but I had a blessed Sabbath day. We went to New Creation SDA Church and a preacher had one of the best story sermons I've ever heard. Then we went to my daughter's house for spaghetti and greenbeans and milk (although I don't drink milk very often). Then we rustled the girls up and made it out to a Journey to Bethlehem program, about a half-hour walk around a hayfield with different scenes from the Christmas story. BUT the best part was spending Sabbath with my daughter and two wonderful granddaughters. Those of you who do not enjoy a good Sabbath rest, try it out. You'll love it.

A believer in Christ,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Short cut (my new old nickname)

Hello'''''Well  Ithink....>some times> not often ,,,,,,Wife said to do do do doooo  a blog,,,yessir or mam....I think.. not often. This comes as a supprise, eaven toooo me..   NOT to belittle  work, tho I  set and watch it by the hour..............Thinking bout all the two 0r too or to do  I think ill do my favo[rite      thing to do round work ...PROCRASTINATE.... till  2015.....MY,,MY ,,MY fast   2014 has gone by...ILL promise to blog more 4  now


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thinking About Work

Standing where I stand, I see a wall that needs painted, a lot of hard of work, a lot's been done, there's a lot to do. But best of all I see my beautiful, darling wife, who I'm going to try to con into doing all the work. She's so good to me.

Now it's time for me to go rest, thinking about all the hard work to be done. Adios and good night.

[P.S. from Teresa--It's almost 6 p.m.]

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I'm almost 70 years old and the hardest part of getting old is not my mind, but my body wearing out. I drop into a recliner chair and it feels so good while I'm there, but trying to get up out of it is getting harder every day. I used to eat all I wanted and stayed at 175 pounds, never gained, never lost. But after this last accident of a tractor running over me lengthwise, I find that it was awful easy to hit 250 pounds. The doctor told me enough's enough. But it does not come off like it went on.

I would like to relate this with my spiritual growth. And those of you who decide to follow Jesus, I plan on seeing you in heaven, where there'll be no more pain, no sickness, no dying. Everything will be beautiful and all our relationships will be God-centered. Plan on meeting me there. But pray for me as I will do for you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not Dizzy Dean, but BUSY Dean

What am I doing for Teresa is the question. What do I want to do with Teresa? That's another question! Let's change the subject.

What should I be doing? Reading my Bible, having morning worship, doing my morning exercises (which I've been lacking in doing a little bit, well, maybe quite a little bit).

But what I did do this morning was wash dishes, which is unheard of. Cleaned the kitchen table off and did most of the pots and pans of which there were a few. I've had worship partly. Read a chapter in Desire of Ages. Done a bunch of thinking.

I just want my friends to know that I do something. Although not much.

If this is all there is to blogging, I think I'll try to blog more often. Teresa does my typing, of which I enjoy. And I don't mind rambling on.

Have a beautiful day wherever you're at and keep Jesus in your life always.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Greetings

Hello, all:
Christmas is over and it was good. I got a fair share of candy, so I piece-mealed through Christmas. I got one Bible text as a gift to you--Ezekiel 36:29 "I will save you from all your uncleannesses." But me and my wife had a wonderful Christmas, especially watching the granddaughters open presents and helping others open theirs. Oh, to be young again, or should I say, younger. The next ho-ho-ho will be New Year's. Thank you for this year of whatever-you-call this, blogging. May the Lord be with you this coming year. And may all our blogs be plentiful.
Ho-ho-ho, another year!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Birthday

Hello all,
Birthday boy here. I had a pleasant wake-up this morning with the wifey-poo waking me up very gentle, saying happy birthday, and handing me a birthday card. It said "A little wish that's short and sweet, Happy birthday..." And inside it said, "Now when do we eat?" "Love, your wife, AKA Teresa." With it was a new washcloth, my favorite kind with exfolliating netting on one side.

She said when I brought the card to Easterday, not to tell everyone that all she gave me was a washcloth and card, because she also gave me a long-sleeve Western cut, snap up, duel pockets, tall man's, plaid, insulated shirt, which I dearly love.

Whoever reads this and was at my "drop in" party this past weekend, thank you for coming by. Every year gets better, I hope.

I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Good night.

Here's my younger days...

Here's my new birthday shirt, which I am very fond of.